Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 1

This my very first  chance blogging so please forgive my poor English spelling and what ever.  Our first day is the type of day you want to forget.  We got here.  It was an epic day so here is the skinny.  We got up at 3 in the morning.  The van was here at 4:15 on time.  I think we will do that again.  Got to the airport on time, great.  Our flight from Milwaukee left on time.  It was a great start.  We went east to go west.  That does not make scents, but it was frequent flyer miles and you go where they want you to go.
Here is what started our trouble.  Atlanta had an ice storm.  People in the south can't cope.  They closed the schools, people were stuck on the road and it was a mess.  Why do I bring this up?  Well they do not have the capacity to de-ice planes in a large capacity. Strike one.  Our plane came form Atlanta.  Stewardess were ticked, passengers were ticked, but we left Detroit.

If you haven't been there it an nice airport.
After 5 1/2 hours we arrived in LA.  We had lots of time so we ate and went back to wait for the plane.  Next a gate change.
Then a time change from 5:42 to 7:30 and a plane change.  Oh we know what a plane change meant we would be left behind.  But as it turned out it was 767 a huge plane.  We got new seats by luck and at 7:30 LA time we left.  People sitting in the middle had 3 seats to them selves.   Stewardess never checked us before taking off.  One women slept laying down on take off. 
If you know me I like Monk.  I'm in my hear no evil and see no evil sleep.
We arrived in Maui at 1:30 and Picked up our sub compact car (not)  We got a Jeep Wrangler.  Well Grams had trouble getting in the Jeep.

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