Tuesday, March 3, 2015

2015 Day 28 What To Do On Your Last Day

 Day 28 What To Do On Your Last Day

The last day can be spent with getting ready to go, or you can spend it like any other day.  We chose to enjoy our day.  You still think of it but you go on with your day.

Just a little of this and that and a trip down stairs for coffee.

I took a picture of those planning to go on a dive.  They were out there for an hour.

Farther down the beach I found this couple renewing their wedding vows.

For the most part our day was raining, not the kind of day to make you go inside.

After lunch and while sitting by the ocean a woman from the kitchen came out with this little guy.  She found him looking for food in the kitchen.  What do crabs eat any?  Well a couple of families thought this crab should live in the ocean.  Da, crabs live in the rocks or digs down into the sand. 

Just leave the poor thing alone.

We ended our day by eating out at the Maui Fish a Pasta Restaurant.

It was a DGD.  See ya soon!

Monday, March 2, 2015

2015 Day 27 Scenes Of All Things Last

Day 27 Scenes Of All Things Last

Good morning Maui, it's a good day, DGD!

One thing has been missing from our breakfast.

Can you guess?  That's POG!  Sometimes POG can really taste bad.  This time POG was okay.

Today's Monday, Monday is garbage day, this is what I do at home.  With the garbage out we headed to the Farmers Market for our last time.  It was fitting that by the time we arrived it was closed.  We wanted one papaya, too late.  We went over to the park across the street for our last time.  I think the thing I will always remember is the color of the ocean.

I know my eyes are a better camera.  I wish I could share that beauty with you, I can't, but I will keep trying.

You can see the runoff was still around.

Oh, I just missed the torch lighting.  We have a young guy now.

This is what the small pool looks like at 5.

I don't think Clela will cook anymore.  Hey that makes our last for this year.
Now I know we will have a sunset tomorrow but here are some of our last sunset pictures this year.

See ya tomorrow!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

2015 Day 26 Chocolate Waves

Day 26 Chocolate Waves

We awoke to rain, wind blowing, I would say a dark, dank, a dreary day.  By the time we finished breakfast this is what it looked like.

We really never know how much rain we get but apparently we got a lot.  If you look at the above photo you can see the runoff.  Yes we do have Chocolate Waves after all.  When making plans always include rain when it's in the forecast, but know the rain will be short.  They never tell you it's going to rain this afternoon.  Weather people just say the potential is there. 

After talking to Christine and family, always one of the best part of our Sunday, we went down to our car to go out for Pizza.  A clear day by now, but by the time we got down to our car this is what we saw.

We drove two blocks and there was sun, just like it never rained.  We went to The Round Table Pizza.

This was the best pizza in Maui.  After lunch we went to Safeway to shop.  I thought I show you our store.

We bought a pork tenderloin for supper.  It's grilling time.We can't eat out all the time.

  We couldn't get Kathy this morning by Facetime but we did when we got back to our condo.  Now our day was complete.  You know I have to best family in the world and through Facetime we can stay close.  Sunday was a DGD.  See ya!

2015 Day 25 Hula Pie

Day 25 Hula Pie

Today was not a typical Maui day.  No sun, just rain.  If you look at the weather report it's going to rain every day for the next week.

Seems an appropriate way to stop and reflect on our wonderful stay here in Maui.  We can say we had better weather last year.  I think we can honestly say we have been there and did that here.  I think you can see that we tend to do the same things.  Is there a story to blog about?  I think there is because even tho you are doing the same things there is always something different.  We didn't have a plan Stan.  Does that mean we're not coming back Jack.   You can bet your bottom dollar Le Roy, we will be back.

When you arrive and check-in, there is a large portrait in the lobby of a family.  They are promoting a keepsake for your stay.  Here is a couple heading out to the ocean to get their keepsake photo.

The only problem is IT IS RAINING AND THE WIND IS BLOWING!  What a wonderful keepsake photo that will be in 20 years.  Gertie says to "Sam, Sam...Sam... SAM! what, look at this beautiful picture we have from our stay in Maui."  Sam says "who are those damn fools standing in the rain?"  You got to love Sam and Gertie.

We had some last minute shopping, you know how I hate to shop, so we went to the Whaler to pick up a few things and eat lunch at Leilani's on the Beach, one of your favorite places to eat.  I can remember the first time we eat there.  A fisherman just got out of his boat and was walking up to Leilani's with this huge fish over his back.  That's when you know when it says catch of the day they mean it, by George. 

We do like our Lemonade.  The more you drink the more you like it.  Well I had that fish sandwich.  If you know me fish is good when fish doesn't taste like fish.  First of all you should always ask what type of fish is in your fish sandwich, I didn't  Certain types of fish are prepared different here, from raw to completely cooked,  I had Ahi "tuna".  When cooked properly it is cooked raw in the middle.  Holy Moly!  Well you know me and my Midwestern up bringing, we never complain about our food.  I could have said take this back and nuke it please, I didn't.  Like a good Midwesterner I just sat there and nibbled around the edges.  When it got too red and soft and still jumping I stopped eating.  When the waiter said how is your food I said politely, it's great.  You know we never cause a disturbance.  We just smile and say it's great even tho the fish is still jumping on your plate.  As I said last year, they could give us road kill and we would just smile and say that was the best road kill I've had in a long time.  Now don;t get me wrong this place has excellent food I just made a poor choice.  Wanting to get the fish taste out of my mouth we ordered a Hula Pie.

Oh it did have two spoons.

We did our shopping and went back to our condo and a beautiful sun set.

It was a great day, it was a DGD!  It's raining.  See ya!