Sunday, March 1, 2015

2015 Day 26 Chocolate Waves

Day 26 Chocolate Waves

We awoke to rain, wind blowing, I would say a dark, dank, a dreary day.  By the time we finished breakfast this is what it looked like.

We really never know how much rain we get but apparently we got a lot.  If you look at the above photo you can see the runoff.  Yes we do have Chocolate Waves after all.  When making plans always include rain when it's in the forecast, but know the rain will be short.  They never tell you it's going to rain this afternoon.  Weather people just say the potential is there. 

After talking to Christine and family, always one of the best part of our Sunday, we went down to our car to go out for Pizza.  A clear day by now, but by the time we got down to our car this is what we saw.

We drove two blocks and there was sun, just like it never rained.  We went to The Round Table Pizza.

This was the best pizza in Maui.  After lunch we went to Safeway to shop.  I thought I show you our store.

We bought a pork tenderloin for supper.  It's grilling time.We can't eat out all the time.

  We couldn't get Kathy this morning by Facetime but we did when we got back to our condo.  Now our day was complete.  You know I have to best family in the world and through Facetime we can stay close.  Sunday was a DGD.  See ya!

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