Sunday, March 6, 2016

2016 Changing plans

Oh no, no not Ono the fish, I mean that breakfast cereal has returned. 

It's all Clela's fault. Just kidding. We changed our plans several times and our plans changed because of our AC. First we had our coffee. 

We were planning on eating out. Then she thought we can only eat out once a day. This is coming from the lady who said we're going to eat out more this year. Oh no food in condo we have to eat out. 
Now we're eating in so we ate our Papaya. 
Okay these are old pictures. We ate just a papaya. We got a text from Kathy saying she wanted some flower hair clips. Plans change again. Hey we can get a breakfast, a warm breakfast from the ABC store and we can pick up Kathy's hair clips.  Then we get the phone call from the AC specialist saying he wanted to trouble shoot the AC. Plans change again. Clela says you wait for the AC guy and I'll go down stairs and get some cereal (nothing warm about that). Well off she goes and I wait for the AC guy. Same guy we had before. He wants to trouble shoot. I told him we had AC and when it didn't work I would turn off the circuit breaker to reboot the system. This gave us AC all the time. The only problem was the AC never turned off even when you opened the Patio doors. He solved the problem by closing our bedroom door. Bad switch by the door. They are connected to the thermostat by wifi which goes through the bedroom before the thermostat. Now you know the real story. 

Things you haven't seen. 

Here is a man walking around with long pants on with a winter quilted vest on in 82 degrees weather. 


Here is a guy that tans every day by the pool by the ocean. About every half hour he goes by this ledge  and lays down in the ocean for 30 seconds and goes back to his chair. Can't quite figure this one out. 

Lunch is what you call eat everything in the condo. Did you ever have a sandwich with a 1/4" of meat? Well I did. 

This afternoon was not spent at the ocean nor the pool but packing, and getting our boarding passes. But we did get to spend sometime doing our favorite activity sitting down by the ocean. As for our latest routine of taking an afternoon swim. 

Now we are off to the supper for a wonderful meal.

A burrito for me. 

Fish tacos for Clela

Well that's it we both enjoyed sharing our days with you. We look forward to next February when we'll be back. 
Oh one more blog tomorrow. 
See ya. 

Saturday, March 5, 2016

2016 Mahalo

Mahalo until next year

Beauty is all around us all you have to is take the time to look. 

Beauty is all around us you only have to take time to enjoy it. 

2016 Hello, again

Hello again, I was wondering what type of breakfast I'll find today. Hello again
Newbies are taking pictures of the Koi, others are taking their first plunge into the new pool. The doves are singing in the palms. There is a feeling in the air that everything is new and right with the world.  It's only 7:30 in the morning. They're not use to the time change yet. 

HELLO, Gene, or should I say "tender foot," aren't you going to ask me how my feet are?  Well there fine. I should know better. Buckle up Bucky, this is not the first go around. Okay you be the judge. 
Okay the one on top looks a little gray. Trauma, will do that.  Oh in case your wondering those are my pjs. Hey, they are appropriate. Look they have little boats, ocean and birds. That I think is appropriate attire for sitting on the lanai right. Some of the newbies are still wearing there jeans. HELLO, this is Hawaii, put the jeans away until you go home. 

We went out for breakfast this morning at the resort restaurant. Somethings I wander why we go so far just to eat. Well Clela decided she was going to dress up. Hey me I just had a pair of shorts and a tee shirt on. Well I just had to change. Okay, I put on a different tee shit and add a little bling around the neck. 

There is beauty everywhere. 

When ever we have a choice we set outside. We ordered omelettes. 
So much to eat. Where else can you sit, eat, watch whales breach and watch competitive high school outriggers race. 

Sorry you might have to zoom in to find the boats. 

On our way back to our condo I wanted to compare both pools. Which one would you go to. 

These two pictures are from the pool by the ocean. 

This is the second pool and the newest. Remember I want you to zoom in on both pools. 
They both have hot tubs off to the side. You have twenty four hours to vote. Vote Kaanapali
Just kidding.

We ate lunch half from breakfast and Supper last night. Afterwards we settled in to the exciting conclusion of Harry Bosch. Never mess with Harry Bosch. 

Time for more of Clela's Bucket List. Good golly Miss Molly we are off to Lahaina. Just to let you know her bucket list is growing. We got all duded up and the way we went. It was very warm in Lahaina at out first stop.  I'll show you the picture.  
 When we donated the chairs back what was nice was when the woman said she remembered us. That made us feel good. When we bought the chairs 3 week ago I told her we would be back.  Now off to our favorite parking lot, $4.00 all day. Some places charge $4.00 an hour. Well here we go. 

Yes, yes, yes shaved ice. If you ever come to Maui this place is a must. 

You're looking at Passion fruit and Mango with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the bottom. Yum, oh did I tell you on top we had what is called a snow cap that is sweeten condensed milk. 
Oh so good. Hey we both finished ours. I had a few freezes to deal with. You have got to try it. 
We found a new restaurant. 
Maybe next year.  It was such a wonderful day. 
Sail boats were racing, there were people shopping and like us having a good time. 

Now back to our condo just to full to eat. 

We decided to see a sunset. With very little clouds we had a good chance. Most days there is a cloud bank just as the sun is setting. 
 No too much sun, try again. 
I like this one because of clouds above the sun. Here's the last one. 
Well I liked the middle one how about you?  Well that was our day. 
See ya

Friday, March 4, 2016

2016 A new day

It's a new day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and Dads are up early with their kids. 

Down by the Koi pond. Everything is right and righteous with the world. 
OMG, what is this? This is not eggs, it is not pancakes, no waffle, no papaya and the best part there is no spam. OMG is this a sign it's over? Does this mean the sun won't be shining and the birds won't be singing when we get home. No flowers blooming. Holy Moly, I'll have to put socks on and cover my feet with shoes.  OMG, well one good thing the bananas are indeed Apple bananas. 

We did it, this morning we went over to the realtor and signed up for next year. Three weeks the first of February.

 So we are set. Seems funny but in a way it's a relief knowing we have a place. It's getting real crazy here people are signing up early, some even for 2018. 
Maybe that will make coming back easier.  We're moving on up like the Jeffersons (okay how many of you remember the Jeffersons)?  Stopped by and got some food for tonight, so we are set.  
The morning was over so we ate lunch. 
Just another sandwich and a little banana bread. We listen to more of Harry Bosch . The story is starting to rap up so its is exciting. Now it's 1:15 and we are going the Cemetery Beach. You know when there is a good rain all that water runs through the cemetery and says Mahalo to all the Hawaiian legends that built this great island as it enters the sea. Ah that's a wonderful feeling, to know your swimming with greatness. Oh didn't I tell you we never swim here especially after a rain. This is our beach today. 

People long boarding. 
We always stay close to the life guard. 

People snorkeling. 

These people are pros. Look close and you will see their feet never touch the sand. They have a large mat that clovers all of them. 

It was not a good day on my part.  First of all I forgot my binoculars. Well now that I think about it I really didn't need them, maybe once when we saw a whale that was close into shore. Next I wore my wrong shoes. No water shoes. We decided to go for a walk along the beach to look for sea glass. So I took off my shoes and headed for the shore line. I took five steps and realized my feet were hot so I walked faster.  Ow a my feet were burning ah walk faster. MY FEET ARE ON FIRE. I started to run faster, faster I'm almost there, ow hot ow hot. It felt like the bottom of my feet were pealing off.  Run faster ah finally the water ow ah it cold. Okay you could see my feet smoking. Look at these feet
Are they red like they look?  Yes they are. We walked the beach and found very little sea glass and my feet are burning. Now I've got to get BACK.  WE FOUND TWO LITTLE PIECES OF SEA GLASS FOR ALL THE TROUBLE and I'm not back yet I have to go across the burning sand to reach safety. As it turned out I found a short area to that I could tolerate. LOOK AT MY POOR FEET. 

We went back to our condo. Did you ever drive with the air on while wearing sandals?  Did your feet feel like they are frozen. I did today and it felt wonderful. I think if I was home and walked barefooted in snow the snow would melt. 

Since it was early we went down to the ocean, you know to see whales. We didn't see any, but I did have a chance to write on my blog.  Well that's the way it goes and that's our day. We took our swim and hot tub to end our day. Just supper to go. Eating on the lanai we had hamburgers. As Clela said easy to cook and it taste great. With potato salad and salsa for out hamburgers we had a delightful  meal.

See ya