Thursday, March 3, 2016

2016 Condo crew day

Today is a "Lying" good day
Just a play on words. You know March comes in like a Lyon and goes out like a Lamb. As you can see just another great day. We were supposed to go on a whale watch today. Even tho there is little wind and great sunshine, the waves are still very high, high 30 to 40 foot. The boat goes up and the boat goes down, up and down. You get the idea of those hug swells. 

We are leaving the condo today so the cleaning crew can come in with their shovels and brooms, to scrape the floors. Just look how dirty the kitchen is. 

Oh my, how can people live that way. So I guess we'll leave soon.  Well they came early. 

This again, I say again because it's happen twice. 
Those pants are tan and here's me. 

Yes those pants are tan. "The  bobsie twins".  As you can see we didn't leave the resort we just went down to the ocean. Sometimes I think there is a magnetic pull. I was watching some outriggers who were going whale watching and the swells were so high you could lose track of the boat. 
The outriggers are giving up because it's too choppy out there. 
Just saw the bus (mother whale) teaching Chev Spark ( baby whale) how to tail slap. Just now we had a double breach, mom and baby. They are continuing to give us a show.  The mother is showing baby how to turn on the breach so they land on their backs. She is also showing baby how to make a pectoral flap. Great show. 

Fast forward about three hours and hear we are back at the beach. We had a wonderful lunch at Dukes. It's a different world over there. 
We park our car at a beach access and walk in. There have been some good planning there because once you turn the corner it gets very quite. All the resorts are far back and between the ocean there is a barrier of native plants. This stops erosion. The problem here is there is no stopping the waves and you have the walk way disappearing. 

The water is turning brown because the edge is washing out to sea.  The DNR will not let the resorts do anything.  I would say by next year that beach walk will be gone. 
We arrived at Dukes beach side and we asked to be seated outside. 
We ordered salad thinking something light. 
 I had chicken and she had fish. Each of those bowls are two meal each. 
Our drinks were great strawberry and mint quencher. Non alcoholic for the second time. I have to walk back to the car don't cha know. I would recommend eating here once a trip. 
Here is that look towards the ocean. 
The beach is beautiful here. Ya know I still believe they come in and remove all the rocks in the water. All the beaches where you have high end resorts, have no rocks, just pristine beautiful beaches. I could say the same thing at Wiamea like the Grand Wiamea resort as another example. Maybe the DNR takes a vacation when those resorts went up.  This is what we swim in. 
That would be rocks all the way out. The DNR is there to protect the environment but sometimes they go too far. 
Clela is having the best day ever. The women we met this morning found us this afternoon. She is fun to talk to. A former teacher herself. They talked about trips. Of course Clela had good advice on things to do and places to go. 
We are off to the pool. 
We like to go under the falls and sitting there. Wouldn't you know here comes this woman. There goes Clela and this women talking.  She was from Canada, had 5 grandkids and they range in age just like ours.  I think Clela had been deprived on not being able to talk to someone besides me. Great day for the gift of the gab. 

We have leftovers of which I'm not going to show you because it doesn't look good. Leftovers from lunch. I ate some but did like the Mac salad. 

That's our day, you got to like it. 
See ya and you to Miss K

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