Monday, March 4, 2019

Going Shopping Again

Monday March 4th 2019
Going Shopping Again
It’s amazing to me how the weather changes from the time you wake up until you decide to venture out. Take today, it looked like an all day rain with cold strong wind blowing.

Eating inside was a good idea. 

A great breakfast.  Clela added her secret ingredient to the scrambled eggs.  After eating and reading the paper We got dressed and went out to find a warm place to sit.  By this time this is what we saw.

Looks warm but when we got down there the wind was blowing and if you were in the
shade it  was cold.  We went to the  gazebo, We found warmth, the music that is playing  is true Hawaiian.  It’s so peaceful.

I did some writing on my IPad and Clela read her book.  We did this until around noon.  We decided to go to the Whaler Mall to shop and eat lunch at the Hula Grill. 

One of our favorite places and one we come to every year.  We ordered a drink. I ordered a Plantation Lemonade (citrus Vodka, fresh lemonade and a splash of cranberry).  Clela ordered Bloody Mary.

I forgot the splash of cranberry.  Well that's my wimpy drink with my little pink umbrella.  I thought for picture taking we would put my wimpy drink in front of Clela. 

We both ordered a flat bread entries.  Kulua Pork on flat bread, and Surfing goat cheese.

A great lunch at a great place.  After lunch we did some shopping.  I am looking for a another t-shirt and a hat.  After going through several stores and finding nothing ( I'm picky).  We made one more stop at the ABC store for some candy.  Clela always brings some candy to her retired nurses lunch. 
That was our day.  See you soon.

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