Wednesday, March 6, 2019

If It's Raining At The Resort Just GoTo Lahaina

Wednesday March 6th 2019
If It's Raining At The Resort  Just Go To Lahaina

Last night you hear the wind blowing and at times hear the down pour of rain, not your fine miss but a real down pour of rain.  When we did wake up there was an overcast.

Ever where I looked I saw what looked like an all day rain. 

We ate breakfast.  Clela made Macadamia Nut pancakes with sliced apple banana.  They may have an odd look but tasted great.  Clela had too many pancakes in one pan so it was hard to turn.  Didn't matter.

Known how if it's raining here just get in the car and drive to Lahaina.  Lahaina is becoming more and more crowed, so a space in our favorite parking lots are harder to fine.  Today we were lucky as we found a place by the local school and off we went.  Our destination is Cool Cats restaurant. 

I ordered a hamburger and Clela ordered a turkey sandwich.

We always say we are going to order one thing and share it.  Mine was so big I cut it in half the long way.  Very good food.

I'm still looking for a small dish to hold pills from last night.  I have looked in several stores and found one I liked in Lahaina just down the street and towards the parking lot.  Here is my choice.

Well that was out day.  See you soon.

P.S. We have some drama here.  There is a leak in the plumbing in the wall affecting the condo below us.  They think it is coming from our condo.  Stay tune.

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