Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Two Days Down And One To Go

Two Days Down And One To Go
Tuesday March 12th 2019
Everything you do touch and think about revolves around the fact that we are going home in a few days.  Our plane leaves at 9:00 in the evening and we must be out of the condo by 11:00 in the morning.  Our car must be back at the airport by six.  We have a layover in L.A.  We then fly to Minneapolis where we have a layover of 3 or 4 hours.  Now you know all my worries.
This morning it was again to cool to eat outside.  We ate quiche along with papaya. 
Being that we only have two days left what to do?  We went to Cemetery Beach (Hanakao'o Park).  Clela packed a lunch.  We found a space in the shade.  Beautiful day.  The wind was gentle, you could almost sleep. 

We ate lunch and Clela took out her book and started to read.  People were saying they saw turtles so I went to investigate.  Last year we saw large turtles  sunning on a rock outcropping.

 I did find a sea urchin, but no turtles sunning.  There were turtles in the water all though none close enough to take a pic.

We stayed here for a couple hours and went back to our condo. That was our day .  There will be no next day blogs maybe just one of pictures.  Thanks for reading my blogs.  I think next year I will try a different format.  See you next year with Gods will. 

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