Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Going Shopping

Tuesday February 26, 2019
Going Shopping
This morning as I walked out on the balcony to take my morning to take my picture of the day.  I was greeted with a cold wind.  There was nobody swimming in the pool.  There was a light rain falling.  When I took a pic of the pool, low and be hold there is a guy sitting, cold, raining and wind blowing.  Some people are going swimming no matter what, I'm here for a week and I will go into this pool.

Needless to say we ate indoors this morning.

Today we decided to go shopping.  So off we go to the Whaler Mall.  We like this mall because of the different place's to eat and some good places to shop.  Our first stop was the ABC store.  Clela likes to put things on paper, so that is what we bought along with of course a matching pen (my idea). There is one store we always stop at because of the wood items for me and the glass works.  The store is a very high priced store.  Just to give you an idea you take a five dollar night light and paste a small laser cut wood piece and sell it for forty dollars.  Don't get me wrong some of the wood boxes are worth their price along with the art work of glass blowing.

 After going through this store we were off to eat.  Clela has been trying to get me me to eat at Joey's.  They have been updating this mall for several years now making it hard to get down there.  It's not one of those high price restraints I like to go to, after all sometimes these shops offer better food. 

Clela had Cabbage, pork and rice. I had a cheese burger.

I had one of those cheese burger that if you put it down you will never be able to pick it up again.  You know the ingredients that slides out. The type that requires at lest three napkins.  When you are finished your hands feel like you changed the oil on your car.  Okay I used to do that about twenty years ago. 
I am looking to buy a new hat so that was what I was looking for.  I'm looking for a solid light gray hat with the states fish on it.  Can't say what it says how ever just ask Reagan.  It didn't find one. Clela did convince me to buy a Gelato. It's funny we both picked the same flavor a tiramasu.  My excellent has wore off on her, right.

Back to the condo we went.  We went out for a walk with a light mist falling even though the sun was shinning and it was warm.  When we got to the corner by the ocean the wind hit us with a blast.  We saw two lounge chair down on the end of the property and sat down.  Then the light Hawaiian rain became stronger and the wind picked up.  Now Clela had her jacket on and I didn't. 

Clela has her hood up and I have these large bumps on my arm.  When my teeth started to chatter we said that is enough. What were we trying to prove.  So off we went and as soon as we turned the corner the rain stopped and no wind.  Up stairs we went and just stopped for a minute and took these pictures.

You can see I went out to the car and put my jacket on.  The big smile is because I"m warm now. At dinner I had Ziti and Clela had the rest of her lunch.

Oh didn't I tell you we did make a small stop to buy some cookies. 


A good way to end the day.  See you soon.

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