Sunday, February 17, 2019

Friday February 15th
Our Journey To Maui
Welcome back!  It's been a year now since the last time I blogged, older now, not wiser nor clever.  Clela though it be a good idea to start with our journey to Maui, so her we go.

We start packing on Tuesday and and you believe it I was just about packed before she started.

Notice Grand kids you are all represented.  Oops, Sam no hat for you.  Soon Sam soon.

 With the wonderful weather we were having we though it was a good idea to get out of dodge.  We have a snow plowing service that was to start on the 10th, well they didn't show up until Wednesday.

Thursday afternoon we got our boarding passes.

You know at this time with nothing to do and after FaceTiming with all the grand kids you start the what ifs.  What if that wind drifts over the driveway, what if this and what if that and that drives you crazy.
Well Thursday night it was hard to sleep.  Then at two in the morning we get that call and panic steps in.  False arm, Mrs Rueter this is GoRight, we don,t have you full address.  In a clam voice gives the young lady your address.  Now, you are now wide awake.  I said that's it I'm going to start getting ready.  It's now 4:40 and i"m moving our bags to the garage.  I open the door and there was our driver was there.  He said he didn't want to be late.  Good, you know I like that.  I always philosophy is the following of Lombardi, "if you arrive on time,your late.  Thus I want to be at least 15 minutes early.  The roads were great and we made it there by 5:25.
We left Milwaukee on time flying over "Miller Park",( I like the old name, )

We have been flying first class since last year.  I don't recommend this because you will never go back.  We were given a breakfast of a hot ham and cheese sandwich along with fruit.

The plane didn't have monitors so if you had a computer, phone or tablet you could go to there in house site and watch a move.  I like action movies.  I watch Mission Impassible.  About half way through I ran out of battery.  I switched to my IPad for the rest of the movie.

We arrived in Seattle after four hours.

Now here is where the weird stuff started .  We stopped on the runway out in the middle of nowhere.
I have been on a flight like this and that was to the Rose Bowl.  We then got off our plane and onto buses that took us to our hotel.  Oh, no my friends. They bought out this cattle shoot and headed us off the plane.

OK it was a ramp.  We got on a bus that looked like the subway on the inside and went off to the terminal.  Being from the Midwest we except anything, don't ya know.  We knew what terminal we wanted so we went up two escalators and moving walks. Oh ya, we also took a train ride to our terminal.
No sweat, right.
Once again the plane was on time.  Got to love my Delta app. 

Just put your phone on the scanner and go.
We took up a conversation with a guy who was going over to Maui.  He took this picture of us. 
He was carrying a small duffel bag which contain ashes of his wife who just died recently.  He's going to meet some friends which will be part of the ashes spreading. Everyone has a story. Just as we were boarding we got a message that our bags were on the plane, which is nice.  

about a half hour after takeoff they started the lunch service.  You got to see this.

Next came the hot cloths to clean our hands and face. I told her she just made my blog.

First came the drinks. Clela had a Momosa and I had a Mai Tai.  Next came the cloth face mat.

Clela an I choose a chicken and veggies.  The chicken was perfect.  The best of all Ben and Jerry's. 

Yum.  Can't tell you the last time we had that much ice cream. 

I watched a couple movies.  Getting tired now. that was two five hour flights. 
This time we taxed up to a gate.  They must have forgot there was some Midwestern on board.  We picked up our car and drove to the resort about six.  We got to our condo and cleaned up and went out for a light dinner.  It was raining.  We got to our condo we entered our door code. We tried and tried. This went on until we called the manager. We tried this and we tried that. Nothing worked. Finally she said they have had trouble with the lock.  They even called in an expert. Duh, maybe they should replace it, don't you think. She finally gave us the "Master Code" this works every time.  So now we have the code that you could use when there is no one here, because we have the Master Code", Just give us a call. Just kidding. After that I don't remember.  Remember what? I don't know.  Maybe you know.  After almost twenty three hours>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Oh, I went to bed.
See ya soon.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great day! I have never been on a plane as nice as that! Enjoy the weather! It is still snowing here!
