We are eating inside again because it is cold out there.
Clela, knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Scrambled eggs, Canadian beacon, toast, strawberries, juice and most of all coffee. We have gone through two dozen eggs. Yum!! We got dressed and headed down to the ocean and were greeted by sunshine and warmth.
When we got to the corner of the ocean the wind was blowing so hard we had to hold on to our hats. The wind was cold. I took one picture of the waves coming in.
I can never create what it looks like or the sound as the waves keep rolling in. We didn't even make it to the place we like, where we have some shade and we have a great view. We went back and found two chairs and sat down in the shade of a palm tree. We did the lounge chair shuffle, you know where you keep chasing the shade.
We have plans to take a picnic at Fleming Park. So we packed our food and went to the park.
When we arrived we knew the winds were strong so you turn your hat backwards so the wind can't catch it. most of the people in the water were boggy boarding. So we put a towel down. The picnic tables are made out of concrete. We took our chairs to hold down the towel. the wind hollowing as we put our food on the table.
Instead of baggies Clela put our food plastic containers. Chips would blow away fast, thus contain everything. When we finished, we debated if we should drive back. We stayed, only problem is I'm getting cold. Clela said let's put the towel around our back and head.
Remember don't click on the movie because it won't work.
This really worked for awhile. We did some people watching.
After sitting like this for about a half hour we packed up and headed back. We made one stop at the at the farmers market store for some more fruit and then back to the condo. We took a rest and then wanted to go down and watch a sunset. We put our jackets on and watch some NBC nightly news. About 6:10 we headed for the door when Clela look outside and it was raining.
Lets eat. Clela out did her self, better than last night.
Well that was our our day. See you soon.
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