Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Monday February 18th 2019

Please, Will The Sun Ever Come Up Over The Mountain 
Got up this morning and there was not a cloud in the sky.  The birds were singing and there was a light breeze . The sun is not up yet, but you knew today would be the best day since we arrived.  I am finally able to stay up until 10:30 and get up at 6:30. Yesterday Clela got up early so we could get a Sunday paper, knowing that if you are not early, all the papers would be gone. While going for the paper she was able to see the sun come up over the mountain.  She suggest we go out to take a picture, but didn't remember what time that was.  She said no one was out there, so we should go out in our PJ's.  Okay, haven't you seen someone in a store with their PJ's on.  Now you got to know me.  I use to have nightmares the I was walking down the halls at high school with only my PJ's on.  Even after teaching thirty some years, I still had those nightmares, Okay even after I had retired.  So out we go.  No one will up right.  We got out there at 6:45.  Oh it's getting up there.

It is now 7:00 and it is getting lighter. Here I an in PJ's don't look happy? 

Can't you tell it's lighter right?  Now people are out and about.  Still no sun at 7:15.  A lady and her skipping, happy, young daughter comes by with groceries.  I'm thinking where can I climb in a hole, but I act cool, everyone walks around in their PJ's right, RIGHT?  I'm cool, I'm cool. The buses are driving up to bring people to work and yes I'm standing there in my PJ's, I'm cool.  Oh, here comes that lady again. Hi and smile.  Well It's now 7:25 and lo and behold HERE COMES THE SUN.
Okay that is beautiful and worth the wait, but maybe not in my PJ's.  Does this mean I will be having nightmares of me standing in the parking lot with only my PJ's on, I hope not.

We ate breakfast on the Lanai. can you believe  it's a beautiful day.

Just look at this. I've got Passion Orange Nectar, coffee, Scrambled eggs and Canadian bacon.  Don't forget the Journal.  Right after eating and before drinking our coffee we made a mad dash inside because we were cold.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, if needed, we go to the Farmers Market.

The market is just up street.

Our next stop was an ABC store, just a block from the our condo.  We were looking for something for lunch and Dinner.  Ba ta, Ba ta, Bing and we were back in the condo.  Here is our loot. Thank you Kathy for the gift card to ABC, it was well spent.

All of this fit in that bag that folds up into this small bag that hangs on her purse.  We took a little break, after packing our lunch, to go to our favorite beach.  We call it Cemetery Beach because there is a cemetery by the road and then the beach.  Want to hear some of my weird sick mind.  I told Clela , you know when it rains it cleans the bodies of those who are buried here.  That water runs down to the beach. Now that is sick.
When we got there, the parking lot was packed.  Can all those people have off for Presidents Day?  We were luck because someone was leaving so we parked.

 We always set up in the shade.  Shade? You should see my feet from yesterday after sitting in the sun.  It's a picnic right.  We had our roll ups we bought at the ABC store.
We also had Maui chips, a very small cookie. Last year when we were here, there were big turtles by the rock out cropping .  It's amazing to see those large sea turtles, so I went over to take some pictures. Here are some of the pictures I took on my way over.

Well no turtles today.  There is always someone painting the life guards tower.  She is a good painter.  If you can zoom in you can see her work.

We came back to our condo and took a short map, we are old don't ya know.  Lo and behold it was time for dinner.

Thank you ABC store.  Mashed potatoes and gravy and of course some Maui Splash wine.
Oh, by the way, today was U.W. La Crosse Day

That was our day. See you soon.

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