Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Mountain Tops Of Molokai

Friday February 22 2019
The Mountain Tops Of Molokai
This morning was overcast, but as I was preparing to take a daily picture and I notice the tops of the mountain were clear.  Also the sun was shining on them.  You say soooo.  The sun wasn't shining here.  I'm sorry I couldn't get a good picture but here is what it looks like.
Zoom in just beyond the palm trees.  I wish there was a camera that could capture what you see. Okay what do I expect from a phone camera.  Fifteen minute later "shazam".
Okay maybe it was a half hour later.  What magic.
It was so nice we ate breakfast outside.
I slipped the top of my breakfast so you could see what is inside. We had scrambled eggs, Canadian bacon, American cheese and topped off with a slice of tomato.  For the first time we had a mango for our fruit.  Yum!!
Our plains for today was get down to the ocean early so we could find two lounge chairs.  Low and behold we found three.

Looking out there, the tide is really down.  I could see there is a flat ledge, so I planned ahead and had my water sandals on. I went out to investigate.  I could now look both ways up and down the beach.

Now I know there are three reefs running parallel to the shore.  You could,'t see the third one but there was a shadow out there.  The sun really helps.  And yet you can't believe the damage to the shoreline.  On the first reef it first looked like sand but because of idiots like me it's just brown.  Okay being close to the beach and exposed to the air it was dead along time ago.  

You can see the edge of the reef.  The total height is about six inches.

I also notice there small holes in the reef that holds small rocks and if you look real close some holds have small fish swimming around.  Just looked in the above pic. and nothing there.  I guess if your going to talk about it you should have a pic.  Okay I promise I'll get a picture.  Once again in one ear and out the other.  Getting older or should I say in my case more mature, you do know I plan on living until 105.  If you can survive to a hundred and five look at all the thrills out of being alive if you are among the young at heart.  A verse from Frank Sinatra.  I bought the 45 record when I was about twelve.  We had a record player but didn't have the adapter to play it.  Finally we got that adapter and I could play my record.  Back to our day.
We got back to our condo, ate lunch and rested (nap) until about three. We put our swimming (shits) spelling error caught by Clela who laughed so hard she cried.  Should have said suits. On and then made a drink. 

Then headed for the pool.  Finding no lounge chairs in shade, we went to the center area and found two chairs under some palm trees.  We should come here more.  We stayed there until five.  While packing up we heard music.  I asked Clela where it was coming from.  She said there is live entertainment at the oceans pool.  When we got there we found out they were playing inside the restaurant.  We sat down and listen to the two women playing.

Lets see if we can here them playing.  Well I tried but I couldn't upload the voice file.  Oh well let's hope that someday blogger software will work on sound and videos.  I think my video is so high res.  
Next we planned to eat out (Clela plans everything).  She is up for hire.

Yup that is right.  That would be food trucks which are along the road just outside our resort.  I don't know how long the will last because they are right out in front some very expensive resorts.  I thought there would be no one here.  Was I surprised.

There was no place to sit it was crowded.  We ordered quesadillas and burritos which we took back to our condo.  

Great meal, not that cheap but much less than eating in a restaurant.  
Well that was our day.  See you soon.

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