Sunday, February 24, 2019

Oh To Be Young Again And Landry

Saturday February 24th 2019
Oh To Be Young Again and Landry
The first thing Clela and I do is go out on the balcony just to see what the day looks like. Clela goes out to give a prayer for each day. I go out for a pic to give myself and idea of what to write each day.  Well I must say, sometimes I just can't think what to write for the heading.  Sometimes it takes something we do. As you can see today I have no pic of the day.
The weather is warm so we are eating outside.

Take a look at this because I made breakfast. You have scrambled eggs with spam, toast in my case with Irish butter and Kula Strawberry Jam from up country (in the mountains), Mango from maybe the other side of "the wall", peaberry coffee from just up the mountain from our resort and Passion Orange Nectar that has the first ingredient of water and high fructose corn syrup.  That means sugar, sugar passion fruit.  Clela puts Lilikoi  passion fruit cream cheese from some place on the island. We are so blessed.
It's is laundry day.  For two people we sure do produce so much, that means we are very, very clean, right?  Okay we do shower a lot.  We did manage to spend sometime outside in the bowel.  (Clela's laughing her ass off again) Should have said bowl!
We found some shade under palm trees.  I don't think we realize how nice it is.  You have this warm gentle breeze blowing. We sat there for a while until the shade moved.  So I had to move.  We marveled at the young parents who moved so easily.  Clela said what she would give to be that age, maybe keep our wisdom but to be young again. So here we are.

Clela and her face lift and me just so everyone could see my eyes.  Kathy always said exaggerate your smile.   Okay we're working on it. don't we look mighty fine, I mean for our age? Really, come on. I said we just spent a little time outside and it's now twelve thirty, you know it's thirty minutes late. 
For lunch we ate on the balcony.  I think that's our first lunch outside.  Now don't remind me if we already have eating lunch outside because I can't remember.  Oh to be young again.

Now take a look at that sandwich.  I made that sandwich.
Clela had left over burrito.  Should I show it. really OK.

Well there we are, last nights food was great. 
After a rest we went back down to the ocean.  I must say by now you must realize there is something that keeps drawing us back. 

Here I like how the ocean shines like crystals or perhaps silver.

Someday I will capture a scene that that gives you real color. I just remember we broadcast around the resort yesterday.  Will have to try that again.  If you want to see our live broadcast just join me on Instagram.  We did have problems with losing our Internet connection.
We took a walk over to a bench where your mother had a mishap last week.

See this small root that is broke.  We were getting up to leave and she caught her sandal on that root and down she went.

 She knocked this flower over and water went flying.  I told her it had to much water in it anyway.  Just to let you all know she is alright.  Her leg had a bruise on it that is all most gone. This all happen almost a week ago.

When we were sitting there before I knew the root was there but didn't say anything.
Back to the condo no falling today. 

We finish up the final load of laundry.  As we were finishing up dinner I notice the sun was painting our resort, almost red in color.

We knew we were close to sun set so off we went, not to fast.  Fast is not our speed.

Wow, here is what we saw when we left our condo.  The sun hitting the mountains.
People always gather to watch the sunset.  It's like going to a movie. 

When we got to the corner the the tiki's were being lit.  Maybe I should make the picture larger.

 People sit on the ledge every night so watch the sunset.
By the time we got back to our condo it was dark.  Just two old people walking slowly into the sunset, holding hands just to hold each other up.  Oh to be young again.  See you soon

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