Friday, March 13, 2020

Dressing Up

Thursday March 12th 2020*
* Today is special day for Clela and myself.  On this day our daughter was born.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  She was born at St Joseph in Milwaukee.  It was a beautiful spring day.  Clela was given a shot and it all went fast.  The nurses asked me if I wanted to come into the delivery room I said no. I  think because it went so fast I was worried that something would go wrong I didn't want to be there.  I think she was born at 2:30 in the morning, a beautiful girl.  The next day I stopped at the florist for flowers.  Oh by the way spring was gone. We had a ton of snow.

*Today is also a special day because our granddaughter on this day, was born at  Aurora West Allis  Medical Center, in the morning, I think.  We had her older two sisters  with us when we went to see her.  A beautiful girl.  I remember walking in the room and there she was.  Each of her older sisters each holding her.  It was a warm spring day. I also remember sometime later feeding her a she always wanted to see what her two sisters were doing.  Sometimes when she was sleeping one eye would open to check on what her two sisters were up to.  It was like I can't wait until she could join them. 

   I try to take a picture that captions what the day is going to be like.  Rain!

A lot of days start like this.  This one is no different, but we got up late.  It was a warm day with a very light wind blowing so we ate on the lani.  

Hey what more do I need.  You got Jimmy, papaya, Orange juice and some coffee, I mean what more does a guy want. 

  We did some wash and before you know it it's lunch time.  I have this obsession that I must eat when it's noon.  

 When on Maui you must have Maui chips.  Hmm, is that another obsession?

After lunch and of course a rest, Wink, wink, we decided to go to our beach.  It was here we had a nice talk with Sam on her birthday and of course we sang happy birthday to her. While FaceTiming I gave her a tour of our beach and why we call it Cemetery Beach.

We had this large ring around the sun.  We had to google it and it is formed by ice crystals around the sun.  Maybe someone could tell us why we got this all most black and white photo.  We stayed there for about two hours and return to our condo.  Clela and I decided we were going to eat out, you know dress up and everything.

Not bad for us two old farts, right?  We had fun taking this picture.  Off we went.  It was a short walk to the restraint down below.  We got there and they gave us and outdoor table. 

 We ordered our drinks, Their version of Blue Hawaiian.  You know this pic looks like a mirrored view, but it is not.

Can you believe that this Hawaiian start playing and it is our favorite song, White Sandy Beach, sung by Israel Kamakawiwoole, you know IZ. 
 I saw you in my dreams
We were walking hand and hand
On a white sandy beach
Of Hawaii.

Love that song.

We ordered our food. Clela had Catch of the day. I think it was Ahi.

I ordered Chicken Marcella

Okay you caught me again. I started again before taking this pic.  
Very good food. 
Everyday is a good day in Maui.
See ya.   

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