Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thursday February 9th 2017 - Going To Our New Beach

Thursday February 9th  2017 - Going To Our New Beach
It's a new day here on Maui i'm so please say Bonjour (good morning) to all our French friends.

I like this picture because of the way the sun shines on just the tops of the trees. The weather will change with a weather front coming in later the after noon.  Kona winds will usurer in rain.  So lets make the most of our day.  It is still cold so we will eat indoors.

The last of the Spam for this year.  Look our new coffee cups.  I think our coffee taste better in our new mugs.
Just look at our view going out the door.
Sometimes I think we take for granted these views.  You just got to stop and enjoy the views.
I think we are slowing down and have adjusted our bodies to the time change.  We are settling into a routine that includes wash everyday.  We packed a lunch and are off to our new beach.

Our new beach does have a name, it is called Kahekili Beach Park.

This is funny because we have been coming here since 1993 and never knew this beach was here.  It is only a mile away.  We always thought beaches here sucked.  They were small, the sand is hard to walk on and most have a step incline.  Okay, this beach extends for several miles.  It is drop dead beautiful.  We had a beach ocean side of our complex that had since disappeared. The ocean are rising with global warming.  When we did have a beach it was hard to get into the water because of all the rocks and a double layer of coral to navigate thought.  Here there is but just one rock.

We found a picnic table to each lunch.

A Ham sandwich with pepper jack cheese. Some pineapple and the rest of our cookies, okay cookie bits.  Small amount of food is good.
Before we ate we were moving around chasing the shade.  Clela wants no sun.  So I went down the beach and found a nice place in the shade for our chairs.

If you look down the beach as far as you can see that is what is called Black rock.  On the other side of this is the Sheraton Maui Resort and Spa.  Our first time we went to the islands we stayed there.  Our first Luau was here.  Now a little farther down and we are at the Whaler Resort and Mall. Look at that stretch of beach.  Now there is a beach walk that goes from almost our resort past the Mall.
Clela read her book and I with my binoculars looked for whales.  Even tho I was looking at the same area of ocean it seams to have opened up more.

Nice look Clela.  I think Clela caught me napping just a little bit.

The area behind me is closed for repair, thus the fencing.  Also behind meare several million dollar homes.  Maybe later I can get some pictures.  We spent several hours here before packing up and going back to our condo.
I think Clela worked magic for supper.  Just look at it. It is an master piece.

Before I eat I took a once oz. of  Apple Cider Vinegar and a glass of water. This is hard to swallow but the results are great.  Just do an Internet search on this and you might want to try it.  Kathy got me started on this process.

I could really talk about this for days.
After eating we tried to get down to see the sun set.  Well I didn't get there.  Sometimes the after sun set picture is better.

Bonne nuit (goodnight) to all my French speaking friends.

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