Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday February 21st 2017- Can You Believe It My 100th Blog

Tuesday February 21st  2017- Can You Believe It  My 100th Blog
Good morning on our last full day on Maui.  THE WIND IS STILL BLOWING.  Everything else was great.

We ate breakfast in side again, bummer.

Today was all about eating what is left in the refrigerator.  That meant Basic 4 and lots of strawberries.

After eating we went down to whale watch.  The wind was blowing but we sat there.  The waves were so high all I saw was white caps.  It was cold out here.  Being macho I just sat there with goose bumps on my arms and my hair standing straight up, but I'm not cold.  Clela wasn't cold at all.  Can you believe it?

A large gust of wind almost blew us off our chairs and that was enough.  We tried setting by the large pool but that wasn't much better.  That was it, up stairs we went.

For lunch today we went to Dukes.  A beautiful walk in.

This is the walk that goes all the way into the Whaler Mall and beyond.
We arrived and walked in.

We had a short wait until we were seated.  Again we had a beautiful view.  We ordered our drinks.  Clela had a Koloa Mojito and I had Dukes Lemonade.

We ordered lunch, Clela had a salad and Crispy Coconut Shrimp. Should have said Coconut Shrimp Balls.  I ordered Roasted Turkey, Bacon, Brie and a salad.  Sorry no pics. Got to go and pack now.

Thank you for all my hundred blogs, some were funny and some were sad.  Sometimes I did a very good job giving you a very good description of our day. Just a some small insight into my wacky mind as I see things.  Thanks again and I hope you be with me for my next 100 blogs.

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