Friday, February 3, 2017

Wednesday February 1st -Shopping

Good morning you all

Our first look of the day was very promising.  There is nothing like starting the day with our special Maui coffee and sitting on the lanai.  Okay that is not her picking her nose and she is not giving me the finger.

Here we are our selfie of the day.

Don't we look happy.  Someday I'll let you see my eyes.
C.J. Deli
We always stop at C.J. Deli for breakfast.  If you want a great way to start your stay on Maui I would suggest C.J.s.
I always order Macadamia nut pancakes with coconut syrup. Clela ordered fried rice scrambled eggs.

To each his own, my looks better right.  Clela made two meals out of it.
Today was our shopping day, you know getting the nessary things to make our stay.  In layman's terms that means going to the grocery store.  Clela always shops with a list and then there is me.  I'm the one that looks for good cookies and maybe a premix drink, you know just add ice.  I'm not the person who can make a special drink, that requires talent and I have none.  Brad and Wes are good at that.
When we shop we are looking for something that requires little cooking time.

We shop at Safeway in Lahaina. The isles are narrow and it takes you for ever to check out. However, we have a Safeway card.
Upon arriving at our condo we have bell hops bring up our groceries. Almost noon and a quick sandwich and listen to our story.  Minnesota detective written by Sanford. He is one of our favorite authors.
Beach Time
After taken a rest, we're old don't ya know. We were off to the beach to see some whales.  I check to see if we had any beach and there was none.  The honeymooners all come down to have there picture taken by this rustic wall.

We were watching whales breach and this guy is excited (come on keep it clean) he was jumping up and down with whale sighting.  He started talking to us and he asked us where we were from.  We said Milwaukee (we always say that).  He said what street.  I said 49th and Oklahoma. I thought I can play this game.  We asked him where he was form and he said Cedarburg and we said we are really from Sussex.  The guy could talk your head off, from the Badgers to the Packers.  Standing in one spot for either of use is hard so we said see ya later we want to go for a swim.  Clela thought the hot tub would be a good place to go and that lasted 5 minutes.
So ends our day with supper.

 We had a salad with chicken strips and a good glass of Maui splash wine.
That is our day see ya tomorrow.

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