Sunday, February 21, 2016

2016 A day of rest

Day 8
Man this week went fast.  It seems like the older you get the faster the time goes.
Well Tom Peter the song is complete so here it goes.
An old man and his boots
I'm tired, old and cranky
I'm on the far side of those in their 40s
And my bones they squeak like never be for
I'm tired, old and cranky.

Sometimes I forget simple words and their spelling
I didn't forget in my 40s
I'm sitting here wondering who wrote this song
I'm tired, old and cranky. 

My boots are old, scuffed and dirty
They are a reflection of me
We've been through a lot and more to go
I'm tired, old and cranky

Before you lay me down to rest
Make sure  my old boots are on
I'll remember the good times with the bad
Just remember that old man who is doing his best
I'm tired, old and cranky
Written by gene Peter
Technical support Samantha 

This morning was bright and beautiful. Like I said you can always tell what type of day by the morning.
Blue skies, warn temps, a hint of a very good day. 
Breakfast was great. 
Yesterday we bought some raisin bread. So this morning Clela made some French toast. Yum!
After breakfast we took some down time, like a said a day of rest. We read the Sunday paper, did some laundry along with just some rest. 
Clela did it again coming up with a creative lunch.  You must use everything in the fridge. One dry bagel and wala

 Clela's lunch consist of one half bagel, made fresh with a wet paper towel, ham lunch meat, a slice of tomato, a slice of Colby cheese. Place in the microwave for one minute. She also had musibi, that is rice and spam raped up in sea weed. Here is my lunch.
No Japanese food here just Maui chips.
After lunch we took a nap
We do this most days.  We listen to a story with a IPod and speaker.  Sleep takes over if the story is boring, if not we listen to an exciting story. A half an hour is average. Try it if you can.
The weather made a turnabout and the rain has started. It rained hard.  Hawaii rain is different than back home. Even tho the rain comes down hard it is a very soft fine rain. It's the kind of rain you can take a walk in like we did. It's warm and soft. Most times the it rain very, very light. As you are waking it's so light you just feel it on your face slightly.  It's quite delightful. Never fear lighting because lighting is a rarity here.
Tonight we went to Round Table Pizza, the best pizza on Maui. We have tried a lot of places and this is the best. 

Well that is our day. 
See ya

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