Tuesday, February 23, 2016

2016 Paia

Day 12
Another beautiful day.  
I thought I would show you the weekly forecast. 
Most times if you don't like the weather just get in your car and go a couple miles and walla better weather. 
The word of the day Spam. Not email spam. The food that is an staple in every Hawaiian household.   Spam was first bought here durning WWI. You can eat Spam at Micky Ds. 
Yes I eat Spam when I'm here. 
Mine.  Hey try it you'll like it. Note I am eating the lite version.
The waves at our resort are maybe 6-10 feet, so today we decided to see the big waves and watch the pros sail boarder and surf.  But you know we are on a quest to kind a koa bowl for my dresser.  A stop in Paia is a must, besides we always eat at the The Fish market. 
That it on the corner. When we arrived there were a few people eating. I thought oh my maybe they have a new cook, maybe there is new owners.  We ordered and found a place to eat. 
By the time we got our food there were people in line out the door. Just good timing on our part
I had a fish toco. It was by far better then Hula Girl. 
 Clela had mahi. Big flakes of white fish. Every year we eat here it's a must. 
Paia is an old town that never left the 60s. But sadly to say it is changing. Before you could walk the streets and see women in tied dyed dresses, guys with a guitar on their backs.  It's like  all the hippies have grown older and have noticed people do like their art and jewelry, thus art, blown glass hand made jewelry. Okay, the type of thing we like. We found a great koe bowl. It was the right size. We turn it over and it was only a mere $1,200. Yup  that's right. Now we are rethinking. Maybe the ABC store is more our price range. 
Off we went to see the surfers. As we approached our look out sight there was a fine mist almost like a fog. It use to be a parking lot now there Porta potty's food trucks, jewelry, wood carving. The beach was closed. I thought there would be some rebels but no one down at the beach. 
The pictures I'm going to show you are by no means what the height of the waves. 

If you zoom in you will see some idiots down below on the rocks. 

You are looking 25 foot waves. They could be larger tomorrow or Thursday.  
After arriving back at the condo we decided to go down to the ocean and whale watch for me and reading for Clela. There were people surfing that's how big they were.  I just like looking at the top of the wave.  As the wave curls there is that green translucent color. Beautiful!  What does a 12 foot wave sound like?  There is that rumble that grows in intensity. You chair shakes, the ground vibrates . If you  have surround sound and you have your subwoofer cranked up, now you have the sound. It always like I say do you feel the sound, only when Clela is not in the room. You get the idea. 
Can't waist any food. It's bucatini.
Got to have olives. When we were in southern Italy we saw olive tree all over. An olive never touches the ground. They have nets drawn under the trees.  Oh by the way when you eat spaghetti you can twirl it on your fork, you can spin it on you spoon. You can't use any of these techniques on bucatini. 
That our day. 
See ya

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