Sunday, February 28, 2016

2016 Ocean

This morning I thought I would show you a different morning view. 
The sun always comes up here before it arrives on our side of the condo. But as you can see it is another beautiful day. I looked at the temperature in Sussex and it was 61 our temp this morning was 64. 

We had breakfast outside this morning.  No pictures we were in a hurry to go to church. 
Lahaina Church
We went to the United Methodist Church in Lahaina. This church has an Tongan flare. The Minister is Tongan and the choir is Tongan as well as members of this church. When the service is over everyone holds hands in a circle  a Hawaiian Aloha in Hawaiian is sung. I just stand there, move my lips like l know what I'm singing. Lincoln thought me how to preform like this. 
You can go to church in shorts and sandals. 

Arts and craft show

After church we went to an Arts and Craft Show at a community center. Here again no pics. I guess I'm losing it. Anyway there is a lot to look at in a short space. Your mother bought several earnings. Women were going crazy buying jewelry.  There were bins and bins of jewelry. I think some were parts for making jewelry all in silver. They were spending between $40 and $50 a crack and there were lines waiting in line to pay. Ah gene where was your camera. Sorry. 

We got back to the condo and had lunch. Okay I've got pictures of food but none of crazy people. 
Clela really makes good sandwiches just like a Sunday at home. I've got my paper and lunch.  

Here I am sitting by the ocean writing my blog and the Oscars have started. We DVR it or in our terms we taped it so we could watch it tonight. I can't miss this beautiful scene. There is something calming just setting here with the roar of the ocean and the beauty in front of you. 

Okay that's beach erosion. We are seeing lots of whale today, yesterday not so much. Hey this this the tree I bumped into. I had to go back and make sure the tree was ok. 

Family pic time. Here is a strange one. 

See that guy. He goes down there and just lays in the water. That's the second time he's done that. After setting there for a couple of hours we desired to go swimming. Does that sound familiar well that's our day. Swimming is good for us as is the weather. It's all good for the bones. 
Supper and the Oscars

We went across the street and got a pizza from Paradise Pizza.  Now we are watching the Oscars and you are going to bed after seeing who won best picture. 
Well that is our day, I promise to take more pictures tomorrow so you won't have to read my jibber. See ya

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