Monday, February 15, 2021

Friday  12th 2021


Today was our first breakfast on the lanai.  Such a great feeling to be able to eat outside.  Our weather is very different than in the past two years. Instead of fifty miles per hour wind and rain, we have blue skies with a gentle breeze blowing. The sky is as blue as the ocean with areas close to the color aqua.

Went shopping yesterday. We found a box of frozen crepes as large as your plate. Clela added some berries and I add some maple syrup. Oh were they good.

We also found some papaya ready to eat.  

This was melt in your mouth good.  And with your first cup of coffee, it's always the best.

The morning flew by with my watching the hearing of President Trumps second  Impeachment. I said I had hope .  Hope for all the officers who were killed  protecting our Senators with hope they didn't die in vane.  I had hope for democracy.  Hope for our Senators to vote for our country.

Soon it was lunch It was hard to tear away from the TV but I did.

Okay, I tried to rotate this pic but it had a mind of it's own.  You can turn your head back now.  You can see we don't eat much.  

Before you can turn around it was night.

That was our day. See ya

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