Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Tuesday February 23 2021

What Did We Do Today 

Always got to show what today looks like.

Hmm,  sometimes you have to wait until around ten in the morning to see what you are dealing with. It is kind about my feelings today.  We are coming to the reality that this might be our last trip to the islands. Health is on the top of the list. I am a day behind because I'm stressed.  We knew Sherry was in a bad cycle  with her health. Clela and I have not got our end of life in order. You know wills, end of life wishes, all the things you don't want to think about.  All the things you put off because there is always tomorrow.  We both had angst, you know apprehension and uncertainty, about all the hoops we went through to meet the requirements to get to Maui. That time line was something else.  Maybe all I need is a chill pill, as Chris says and Clela a new knee.  We will see.  With all that to think about and to mull over and over. 

For lunch,  I had no sandwich just Ramen noodles.

I did write outside today and that was a great idea.  Setting under an umbrella and listening to soft Hawaiian music really was relaxing.  So relaxing that's the only photos I have left are flowers.  

For supper, we had stuffed peppers.  Real good.  Sorry on pics.

Well that was our day, sad but now I feel a whole lot better. I didn't even have a chill pill.  Just thanks to Clela.  See ya.

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