Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Saturday February 12th 2021

A Day Of Reckoning 

Looking back on Saturday I can't remember very much.  We had a cloudy day with light rain.  

It was a day of doing some wash. Of course the day of the vote to convict or acquit the former President Donald Trump. Remember I said I couldn't think of what we did? Well this is it.  I do remember the vote. I was not all the surprise of the acquittal. I had had hope that some in the GOP would standup for our democracy but I guess that was to much to ask for.  Herd mentality.  I'm glad it's over, well maybe not.  That was not the GOP I remember.  Life goes on. No more starting each day be reading CNN. I'm getting better.  I haven't read the Journal.  But before Trump my day starts with the Today show, that will never change.

That's all (I remember) see ya.

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