Wednesday, February 18, 2015

2015 Day 15 Holy Moly

Day 15 Holy Moly
I have been blogging for two years now and having trouble reading what I have typed.  We hells bells I found the larger text button.  I can see Clela, I can see.  It's a miracle.  I'm also not going to show you my breakfast.  Hallelujah.

Today was our day to walk to the Farmers Market.  Of course we went over to the park.  We are so predicable.  There is two sets of coral ridges close to shore, a nice place to snorkel or just walk.  The only problem was how to get in or past the first set coral. So off came my shoes and in the water I went.

Sure enough along came two women just out for a walk.

Stay tune you may see me out there.  Hey maybe even Clela, ya, maybe a pipe dream.  Clela doesn't do sand or the ocean.  Okay I got a little carried away.

The flowers are really starting to come out.

Did you ever notice when ever Clela is in a picture with a flower it always matches her top.

Today was a day of celebration that's why I asked you to come along.  We decided to go to The Whaler and Hula Girl.  Did you know when using Facebook and check in you can select the people who were there.  So I selected lots of people to celebrate our day.  Oh what are we celebrating you ask.  We are celebrating mid vacation day.

Two Lava flows.  We had great food.

I'm sure glad you all came.  Thanks.  See ya!

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