Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2015 Day 20 Papaya

Day 20 Papaya

Monday was a very refreshing day as all days since Valentines Day.

Always a good start to the day, good coffee and a great breakfast.  I have been under the weather the last couple of days.  Did you notice every morning I had a papaya for fruit.

  Did you know you can get very sick from eating too much papaya.  I would start feeling ill around noon and by supper I didn't want to eat.  I thought I was coming down with something.  I thought it was the cheese I had in my sandwich.  Clela thought it was some of my medication.  Papaya has lots of fiber.  Now that can be good if you need some fiber and bad if you are getting to much.  Well folks, I don't think you will be seeing papaya too much on my plate in the morning.
Monday, it must be the farmers market.  Your right!  We just went for bananas.  The humanity was high, thus we had a slow walk both ways.  After arriving back at our resort we decided to go sea glass hunting.

So after lunch and our story, we packed up and off we went.  Didn't I tell you after lunch we listen to a story.  I can't say on tape, we have done that, on CD, no but we have done that, but on a IPod.  We're such a techie family.

I can't wait until I get home so I can try some different techniques on these pictures.  Anyway we found some shells, small ones but shells.  Katie was hoping we would find some.  This is a first for us.

There is a woman who comes to this beach with her dog.  She wears a blue cover up and a hat.  She is always talking on her phone.  As she walks to the water she finds a stick so she can play fetch with her dog.  This dog goes crazy with anticipation.  The dogs loves the water and flies in to fetch the stick.  You know I think I remember her last year.  After about a half hour of playing fetch, she walks back to her car still talking on her phone.  Sometimes the dog hasn't had its fill of fetch and he stays on the beach.  Just about the time she gets to her car he starts barking at the waters edge.  He won't move until she comes back still talking on the phone and they start the process all over again.  Here is a small sample of their play.

That's our day, I hope I'm feeling better tomorrow.  So I'll say see ya!

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