Sunday, February 22, 2015

2015 Days 18 The Quest

Day 18 The Quest

For eighteen days we have been in a quest to find a koa dish.  This is the day.  We woke up to a beautiful day.

There was no wind.  After breakfast we headed to the Maui University.  Yes we were here two weeks ago.  Well we're back.  It cost .50 cents to get into The Maui Swap meet.  What is a swap meet?  To me this means people bring things to swap with each other. No, that didn't happen.  In early days in Maui you had people that lived off the sea and people who farmed.  They had their form of a swap meet when they brought their goods to a rock fence to make a swap.  Was it a art and craft meet? Yes. Okay that's enough of that.

We wondered the grounds for our prize only to find NO koa dish.  Yes no koa dish.  It took us almost an hour to get here. No Koa Dish.  Ha Ha we can adapt.  I'm not surprise because two weeks ago we did look at ceramic dishes.  Well today we liked a beautiful dish for $80.  You never buy the first thing so we marched on.  In the last low in the second to last booth Clela found The Dish, for $20.

Our quest is over!  The artist is from Madison Wisconsin.  What?
A perfect day and my perfect dish.  Yes I was talking about Clela, what did you think?

See ya later!

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