Saturday, February 10, 2018

February 10th 2018 No Need To Go Anywhere Today

I could say the fourth beautiful day in a row.  Warn enough to eat on the lanai today, but the chill in the air was to much.  Clela made a great breakfast today.  I would say there was a touch Europe in the her omelette with the tomatoes.  Now if we had some bangers and mash we would be all set, for Europe that is.

We didn't get up at our normal time but that was okay.  We watched some Olympics today and did some wash. Before you know it, it was lunch time. We went outside for lunch only to head back inside to finish our lunch.

I don't know if you can see the potato salad .  It has macaroni in it.  Hawaii is the only place you'll find the combination.

After lunch we listen to our story for a short time and then watched some more Olympics.  Later we went down by the ocean.  While there we watched kite boarding.  Two guys were finished for the day.  It takes them about fifteen to twenty minutes to make a setup or tear down.

After sitting for awhile with no luck seeing whales I decided to go live on Instagram.  It was fun and I think I'll try it everyday that we are by the ocean.

We came back to our condo and I made a Pina Colada .  Yum

Before we ate we went down to see the sun set. 
On our way  I stopped to take a picture of a blossom of an Elephant plant.

There were clouds but as in most cases they separated to let the sunset.  The sun set is always something to see as it sets over the Island of Lanai.

Well that was our day no need to go anywhere. See you tomorrow.

One flower picture below.

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