Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 7th 2018 It's A Good Day

 It's A Good Day

Finally a good day.  The sun is shinning, the birds are singing it's a clear, refreshing day.  Let me show you.

This is what I see when I pull back the drapes and this is what I see on the lanai .

We are so fortunate to be here.

Breakfast time.  You know we have not eating on the lanai just two times since we got here.  It maybe raining but the rain never effects us.

It's a yogurt day this morning.  Okay there might be a little over kill on the English muffins.  I meant to have butter and jam.  Instead I put cream cheese on and jam.  Hey you should try it, you'll never go back.

We decided to go on a picnic.  We have been dodging rain drops for a week now.  We decided to go to Cemetery Beach.  Now you all know by now the is not the name.  The name is Hanakaoo park.  There is cemetery  next to the road and the park by the ocean.  When we arrived at the park there were several people standing by the water so me being noisy I went over to see what they were looking at.  I couldn't see anything but I do now their have been sightings of turtles near by.

We set up our chair in the shade and prepared to to eat lunch.  There is a slight warm breeze blowing as we ate under a large beautiful tree.  After eating we went for a walk with the hopes of finding some sea glass.  Again we saw people standing by a outcrop lava.  There to our surprise were turtles swimming around the outcrops.  People had snorkel gear swimming near by.  I climbed the slabs to see this.

There was this big turtle sunning itself.  every now and then a large wave would come in and try to knock him off. The turtle was to heavy to be knocked off.  Several other smaller  turtle tried with no success to climb on.  Here is one more picture.

That was so cool. 

We went back to our chairs where Clela read her book and I looked for whales. We saw many full breaches.  Some small boats had whales breaching all around them.  Can you imaging all these great pictures they had or crapped in their pants.  Nothing like having a gray hound bus jumping out of the water right next to you in your little dingy. 

As we sat there I could watch a rain cloud moving along the edge of Lanai.  I was hoping it wouldn't come over by us and it didn't.

It was around two in the after noon so we decided to go take pictures of a sunflower field.  When we came past it on Thursday it was a beauty sight.  However the beauty was gone a week later.  Dang we should have stopped last week.

We heard they were going to use the oil for spas and bio fuel.  Next year they are going to double their production.  As we were leaving we talked to a woman. She asked where we were from and we said we lived outside Milwaukee and she said her son in law was from Milwaukee.  Small world. 

We stopped at the grocery store for a few things and then when back to our condo. 

For supper we had spaghetti along with some wine.

That was our day.  See you tomorrow.

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