Sunday, February 18, 2018

February 18th 2018 Come Fly With Me

This morning I slept later maybe because I knew the weather would not be conducive to outdoor activities.  When I did get the skies were overcast and that remind me of November.   Last year when we were here we were cold a lot.  This year it has been warmer.  There is rain in most of the forecast just about everyday.  Still we have had beautiful weather.  I think that stretch acclimated so when it did get cold so did we.  I know 65 degrees is the type of weather where the kids at home would walk around in shorts but here when the temperature goes down here and the wind comes in from the north we are cold.

Hey we are cold right now.

Breakfast today was not outside.

Take a good look at this picture.  These three muffins are not muffins but blueberry pancakes.  Yes pancakes.  What you say.  Yes your eyes are not deceiving you.  Hey after adding some Mrs.  Butter-worth they were very good.

Later in the morning we went into Lahina and back to Safeway to pick up some things we forgot yesterday.  We then went to the craft fair for another look.  The fair was three times larger than last week.  Clela was looking a small turtle. 


We went to a booth where we found they were selling pottery made by the same Artist who is from Madison and made her plate.  This is what she bought.

Now she can display her little bowl . 

We have a plan to eat at the craft fair at a place that makes crepes.  We had two choices of categories savory or sweet.  At the last minute we changed our mine and went for sweet.  We ordered a Nutella hazelnut crepe.  He was very busy and it seem to take some time to make each order.  While standing there, the wind started blowing. The temperature dropped and wind started blowing harder.  He makes a grab for one of his corner post on his tent and I grabbed the other and he trying to cook.  Now the wind is picking up more and more. He had an umbrella covering a picnic table and it went flying over the highway and into a parking lot across the road.  Lucky the umbrella didn't hit a car.  Picture this all the time he is trying to make my crepe.  Other vendors started to quickly packing up to leave.  Now the wind is really blowing and people are running for their cars. But I'm standing there holding that corner post. Everyone is getting warnings on their cellphones.  He can't keep his stove lit because the wind is blowing so hard and I"m still holding that corner post.  He uses his body to block the wind and it is getting real cold. The skies are grey and threatening.  He finally blocked enough wind to finish my crepe and we head to our car all the time hoping no gust of wind would catch me off guard and my crepe would go flying. Lucky for us we made it to our car.  We decided to eat those crepes right there in the parking lot.

When getting out of the car and holding our paper plates it finally happen and the wind blew and I got chocolate in my shirt.  I think I will stop here.  We had leftovers for supper.  That's our day.  See you tomorrow.

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