Sunday, February 4, 2018

February 4th Super Bowl Sunday

February 4th

Today was a day of rain.  The rain never came, but still it was a foggy and cloudy day.  We seem to be changing our eating habits from three meals to two meals a day.  Personally I think I have the "meat sweats" from our flight. We are eating after we take a walk by the ocean.  Of course we always find some lounge chairs to look for whales.  I even went back up to our condo for our binoculars.  Not much action.

We had a great breakfast today.  Grams took sub buns and sliced them into thick pieces and then made french toast.  Yum!

We do try to go someplace each day but that not true everyday.  Today we went out to find some beach chairs.  In the past, we went to the Salvation Army and bought two cheap and took them back before we go home but they were closed since it's Sunday.  Last year while at Walgreen's, we saw that they had some at a good price.  So off we went to Walgreen's.  Well that was last year because this year they were $54 dollars each.  Wow! 

Across the street in the parking lot there was craft fair.  Now that is about one third of the one we usually go to but this one was close. The big one takes place at the University of Hawaii. 

There was plenty of things to see and it was just the right size.  Clela likes her Hawaiian apron so we did look for some.

Next on out list was to go to Food Land with s short list of things to buy.  This store has a very good deli and prepared food. 

By now it was lunch time so here is what I ate.

  I was really full after that. 

The Super Bowl started about 1:30 here.  I was happy to see the Eagles win and that was about time.

After the game we had supper.

You know We have eaten every meal outside this year.  That was our day.  Nothing special

I think I'm going to show some pictures I have taken each day that don't fit in my story.  I'm taking more pictures on the portrait setting.

Pictures of the day.

That is our day.  See you tomorrow. 

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