Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 13th 2018 Did You Ever Have A Day When You Did Nothing

The heading above says it all, we did nothing, well almost nothing.  The weather report for today said lots of rain today.  We had planed to take a picnic to the beach just up the road.  When it came time to make our food it looked like it really going to rain.  Any way got up to an overcast day.  No rain in sight, so we ate outside.  We had a great breakfast.

After breakfast we took a walk that led to the ocean.  Along the way I stopped to take some pictures.

Clela likes water lilies.  When we got down to the ocean both Islands were under vog you know a combination of fog and volcanic ash.  It was strange to set there and still see whales breaching.  We sat there until noon. 

On our way back I stopped for one more picture.

We got up to our condo and Clela made lunch. 

Isn't that a great ham and cheese sandwich.  Oh behind the sandwich was a banana.  You can't have a warn sandwich on a picnic.  We listen to our story and took a nap.

You wait Clela your time is coming.  I mean look at that gut.  It is as hard as an rock.

Now it's about three and we had to make a decision of what to do.  I said Clela I don't have a story for today.  She said you know you want to see the Olympics and I want to read my book so lets stay.  I said okay I'll make drink.

 And there you are, our day.  Oh we did have lasagna for supper but I forgot to take a picture.  We got the lasagna from the deli at the Food Land  grocery store.  It was very good.  See you tomorrow. 

One picture below.

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