Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 10 - Chinese New year- Monk

I always think we will establish a routine only to find we don't.  The only routine so far is coffee and breakfast on the baloney.  That's ok.  Today our goal is to go to Lahaina to see the Chinese New Year Celebration later in the day.  I could go to Lahaina everyday.  This morning we went down to the ocean to get our inspiration for the day. Not, what do you think we are, those people who pay homage to the ocean.  Now it's early and we have our pool towels and we're going to put them on chairs, you know before everyone else gets there. Huh. there we'll show them.  We ended staying for two hours.  We met a retired farmer and his wife from North Dakota.  Had a great talk.  He grew soy beans and corn.  We talked about Monsanto and how they control everything. Thanks Brad.  He said they use to cheat a little and grow some from his own seed.  But if you got caught that was it, no more seed.  As we were sitting there we saw what I was trying to show you the other day.  The guy on the Sail board is taking a message in a bottle from a little girl out to sea.
We picked up our towels, ya I know, mid western values, got new ones and came back to our condo.

Clela has a plan, Clela always has a long range plan of things to do on her bucket list.  Here is one.  As we drove into Lahaina we found this Buddhist Temple.  Not as impressive as the one on Oahu.

We added a second goal for the day and that was to find an Office Max to buy a new battery for my notebook.  We had a map on my phone but when we got there there was no store.  Clela was not to happy, it was a lot of walking and it was hot. Sorry to be talking a bout hot.  I think it was 90 degrees difference in temp.  On her bucket list was, the best shaved ice in Maui, we decided to try it.
We must have gone by this place many times.
It was really good!  Now we decided to share one.  Two spoons one straw.  Hmmm so good.  Ok no beans on the bottom this time.  I am getting smarter right?  Wrong.  As she is using the straw on the bottom, by the ice cream I'm thinking she has a cold.  Well the Mr. Monk is taking over my body.  Oh no I'm feeling hot, my throat feels sore, I'm feeling a little strange.  Is it too late.  She said I would be OK, but my lips are tingling.  Ok, Ok maybe it just cold from eating shaved ice, or is a sign of things to come. Time will tell.

On to the Chinese New Year Celebration.  We arrived a little before five.  The crew was just arriving.

We went into the Wo Hing Museum and it started out with a marshall art showing.
As I was filming this I was thinking I hope he hangs on to that spear/knife.  Next we have the dragons.
The dragons then went around to people and collected a small donation that would give those people good luck to the year.  You put the money in an envelope and place it in the dragons month.  Can't pass this up.
My turn!

Cool.  On your way back we decided to stop at a new mall and check it out.  We found a Wallgreens.  There was on Office Max store.  I ordered my computer battery $120,ouch. We also found several new places to eat.  It was almost 6:30 and we wanted to get something to eat fast. We wanted to see the Olympics.  We chose a place called Teddy's Big Burgers.  Nice clean new place.  We gave our order and waited and waited and waited, get the idea.  We ordered to go.  After about 30 min. our food and drinks were ready.  We got back to the condo, Clela with the drinks and me with the food.  As we were riding up to our room Clela was drinking.  We sat down to eat, she gave me my drink and half of it was gone, ya half. Now I didn't drink that, who did?  You guessed it using my straw!  Now Mr. Monk is processing my body again.  I mean twice in one day.  But, but I always wash my hands before I eat.  That's not going to help me how.  But , but I've got my Purell in my packet.  To late Ethel.  I took the straw out and drank the contaminated soda.  That's all see YA.

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