Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 4

February 1st today Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit.  You say that to the first person you see on the 1st of each month and it will bring you good luck.  Try it!  Today we got up at 5:00.  You ask why so early aren't you on vacation.  Well at our age habits are hard to change.  There was a light rain falling but that is ok.  By the time we ate breakfast, fruit and bagels, (not on the balcony) the sun broke through.  We got dress and went for a walk and ended up sitting by then ocean.  Saw cruise ship going to another island.
  We sat there, the sun was warm and I thing we took a little nap.  Well you would too if you got up at 5:00.  We came back to your condo, had a cup of coffee and got ready to go to Lahaina for lunch.  You know me, routine baby.  Give me three meal a day.
We looked for cheep parking.  The first place close to the main drag was $18 for 2 hours.  We found a parking lot for $8 for 2-8.  Our goal for the day was to eat at Cheeseburger In Paradise and the on to the banyan tree for an art show.
That place has the best burgers in Maui.

How's the smile?

Check out the bracelet Sammy.  You know Kathy should be proud of our smiles.  So Smile
We went the park, no art show.  I guess they didn't want to take a chance on rain.  We wanted to sit down, but we had to look hard.  It seem like the homeless have taken over the benches.
Those people are not homeless.  I'm always fascinated by the size of this tree.
I could not leave the downtown area without showing the ABC store for Brad.  Are you happy Brad?  You know they always have good prices.
As we were driving back from the airport we notice a bypass around Lahaina so we took it.  Very few people use it.  Great to know.
After listening to our story we got rain.  Here is what it look like.  I'll leave you with this.  See Ya

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