Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 23 - A day of rest - Aloha Mixed Plate

Today we took a day to stay at the resort, a day of rest.  When you think of the most perfect day it would be today.  We had clear skies, warm and a slight breeze.  We went down to the ocean and couldn't find a chair to set in, but don't worry we had a plan.  I went back up to our condo and brought down two of our breach chairs.  We found some shade.  We have been bothered by flies this year but with the trade winds blowing there was no flies.  Clela found a new hat.  She has been thinking about this hat for several weeks and she finally bought it.  Hey I had a great picture but she made me take it out.  It looks good on her.  Maybe she will wear it tomorrow.  Sammy called on Google Plus, I took her by Video right down to the water and the waves rowing in.  We were sorry to hear Katie my lady broke her foot going to the bus in the morning.  Katie we got something for you.  I will be there Saturday. 
After lunch and rest we went down to the ocean again.
Clear water and clear blue skies.
Can you tell we are in the shade?  Ahhh, looking for whales and our coffee mugs filled with Pina Colada, what an afternoon.  We spent sometime in the big pool talking to two sisters (our age) from Canada, Clela was giving them advice on where to eat.  It is now official ALL Canada is here!  You betcha, AAAA

We decided or should I say Clela said lets try the Aloha Mixed Plate Restaurant.  We sat in the non alcohol section.  That's because we had drinks in the afternoon.
Great view, not me, the harbor.
See Kathy, you taught her well, what a smile!

  We both ordered, I had the Beach Side Mixed Plate and Clela had the Aloha Mixed Plate.  Why am I giving you what we ordered?  Stay with me my fine people.

 There it is.  Some place in there was the spare ribs or were they.  I took out my knife and proceeded to cut off a piece.  I couldn't cut it.  Was it really spare ribs?  Shouldn't it fall off the bone.  Hey I say this doesn't look like a rib. What is it?  I DON'T KNOW.  Now with food falling off my plate I was able to cut off a piece.  With sweat forming on my forehead I took my first bit.  I chewed and chewed and chewed.  What if I can't break it down.  Man!  Next I tried the mac salad and it didn't taste right.  Now I tried the sticky rice and it just stuck to my fork.  The chicken was good, but the teriyaki beef was poor, just like the ribs.  With more food falling off my plate I could not cut it.  I put down my fork and that was it.  I ask Clela how her food was and she said she thought both our plates must have been from last night.  I said that's it.  I put all the food that fell off my plate and paid and left.  I didn't say anything because you know we are Midwesterners and we are polite.  They could serve us road kill and we would say thank you, that's the best food we had all day.  We decided to go down town Lahaina.  We parked the car and Clela made a dash for the bathroom.  You all know Clela doesn't move that fast.  I stopped to make a video of all the birds in the trees and she was gone.  Need I say more!  That's all folks, see ya!

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