Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 25 - Beach Side Conversation- Hey Dude!

Talking to Kathy this morning I discovered our weather was the same.  What!!  Wait a minute.  Ok you had blue skies as we did.  You had sun shine, just like us.  Isn't that amazing!  5,000 miles apart and the same weather.  As the days wind down we have less to do.  One thing I never get enough of is being down at the ocean.  Today we went down twice.  Park your bodies in the shade and watch the waves come in.  Clela was getting a kick out of a family of five, with one on the way.  All the kids were under 5.  It's fun to watch a little kid put his feet in the ocean and see a wave roll in, some sequel, some run away.  That was our morning.  We are buying less food now so the means we're eating out more now.

After lunch and rest, you know that's where you listen to a story and sleep.  We decided to go back to the beach.  The other day I saw an old dude go snorkeling with a boggy board.  My back has been giving me trouble, bad mattress, so the old light bulb goes off and I think that is a good idea.  I'm so smart.   Ok, you have got to picture this, I'm caring a beach bag, a folding chair and a boggy board.  The wind is blowing and I'm like a sail.  Well we get down to the beach, I put all our gear under a tree, of course and got ready. 

The cool way, you know you've got to look cool, is to put your mask on your head, but not over you face and walk out into the water with your fins on the board.  You might have to click on the picture.  You can see me entering the water.

 I did this, real cool dude.  Now in the water the waves are rolling in so it is a matter of timing to get your fins on.  I stop to put my fins on and a big wave rolls in, man stay cool, right.  I make like that was not a good spot and proceed out more.  There this must be a good spot I  think to myself, now stop and put on your fins, I say to myself.  Remember timing is the key.  A big wave rolls in and I almost lose it, my fin almost fly off the board.  I put my face mask on now.  Stay cool I say, and I did.  Now act fast, no wave, so I put on my first fin.  Hey I'm super cool I think.  I let another big wave roll by and it is time to put on the second fin.  So I grab it and I can't put it on.  I'm hopping on one foot, Were is the hole. Now I'm spinning around and going down, not  cool now I'm under water, not cool, I wonder does anyone see me.  Then it hits me I have my goggles on I can breath, ah I'm ok so I put on my fin. 

I jump on the board and start out.  I'm the dude in the white rash guard.  I thought stay away from the orange balls because this is were the rip tide is found.  So I kicked away.  I finally saw fish.  Lots of fish.  I saw the Hummuhumunukunukuapuaa fish, the rainbow fish and those yellow and black stripe fish it was great.  I told Clela I only wanted to stay out a short time because of my back.  So I waved to her to let her know I was having a good time.  Little did I know she was waving at me to go back the other way.  She said get back you old fool.  I thought I'm a cool dude.  I could feel my back tightening up so I went back to the shore.  Waves were pulling me toward the rip tide so I thought just go in. 
Beach Side Conversation:
After putting my equipment away I sat down to hear a conversation by two guys to the left of us.  They handled long boards and boats.  I will call him the cool dude.  This is Clela and what she heard.
Cool dude, aka Haole number 2 , because there was another white dude. He's talking to a fellow in a wheel chair on the beach. 
"That war on drugs was stupid, that Reagan or Bush or whoever was so stupid. You know all those FBI guys were using marijuana. It's good it's legal now. Of course you still need a prescription.  Hey do you live here?  I could grow it on my farm for you. You know it's good for you, not like alcohol, it's not addictive like alcohol." I guess you had to be there.  He really seemed like a good guy, he took his long board out to check on some kids that seemed to be having trouble. But he was such a stoner, it was hard not to laugh.  Never heard so much craziness coming out of someone's mouth, in total dude accent.
Clela got it right.  We just had to laugh.  There was a young women there who had two kids that was a stoner.  It was quite an entertaining after noon.
We finished our evening by going to a Mexican restaurant for supper.  Great food and good prices.
That's it for today, see ya!

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