Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 20 - Bits and Pieces and Odds and Ends - Hilo Hattie

This morning we got up had our coffee.
We took our showers, no I'm not going to show you that.  This is after all PG-13.  We got dressed and went for a walk.  No sum today, there is a light Hawaiian rain, you can't see it but you can feel it. 
Some day we'll take a good selfy.  We walked over and through Embassy Suits and back.  The walk took us 30 minutes.

Look at Clela go, see how fast her arms are moving.  Go Clela go.  Come on you say it.  Go Clela go!
  Up to our condo we made breakfast (maybe Clela made breakfast).  Had a little trouble with microwave.
Oh, that's why we had trouble.
Hash brown with cheese, Egg Mc Muffin, on the balcony.

Now to my bits and pieces.  To do this you must first close your eyes and get in a good frame of mind.  Think Andy Rooney, you know the guy that was an 60 minutes.  He is gone now, don't let that bother you, just channel Andy and those thick uncut eye brows, you know like mine.
Did you ever wonder why Q-tips are getting smaller, your paying more money and getting less.  They have gone to plastic.  The old ones you could recycle, but look at all that plastic your putting in the landfills.  I think we should protest.  Ah the good old days.

We make our bed every morning.  Since we're so old we change every day.
Now doesn't that make you feel better?  A little change is good.
I'm from Canada and I'm going to get a good tanning spot, never mind that it is raining!  Ok this picture was taken @ 9:00 in the morning. What are these people thinking??
Click on this picture.  Do you think everyone who goes in the ocean today reads this sign.  I like the top sign, If in doubt don't go out.  I wonder if Fred and I saw this sign when the waves tossed me out of the water and dislocated his shoulder? I guess getting older is getting wiser.  Ok people younger than I are going under everyday.  You know, They never return, no they never return, those houles
never return.  They are riding the waves, they are riding the waves.  They are riding the waves for ever.  Thank you, thank you everyone.  That's my song.  See ya!

Ok, ok Odds and Ends
I'm old what can I say, I did say we were going to Hilo Hattie and yes we did.
If you look at the picture you will Clela in the background.  Now look at the sign on the wall.  Yes!, yes, yes, after all these years Clela and I are getting matching clothes.  I can't wait to show you our purchase.  It's going to knock your socks off.  Are you kidding?  Do you really think we would?
Every time we came to Hawaii we got a free cup (with the purchase of only $25 bucks) at Hilo Hattie.  We have at least 10 cups.  Each Island had its own cup.  For twenty years we looked forward to this free cup (with the purchase of only $25 bucks) at Hilo Hattie. Well times have changed, no more free cup (with the purchase of only $25 bucks) at Hilo Hattie.  You all know I'm always protesting.  Here I tell you all, please write Hilo Hattie and bring back that free cup (with the purchase of only $25 bucks) at Hilo Hattie.  For the second time today I will say, see ya!

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